Norfolk County Central Labor Council AFL–CIO Endorses Gutro

The Norfolk County Central Labor Council announced that it has endorsed City Councilor Doug Gutro in his campaign for Mayor of Quincy.

 Norfolk County Central Labor Council President Bob Rizzi explained, “Doug has always best represented working families in Quincy and its with great pleasure that we endorse his candidacy for Mayor of the City of Quincy.  The City of Quincy needs to move forward, and we feel that Doug’s thoughtful and transparent approach provides the best direction for working men and women in the city. “

"The Mayoral election in the city of Quincy this year will be among the most important in a generation.  The Norfolk County Central Labor Council looks forward to getting the message out to Quincy's working families that Doug Gutro is the best choice to respect and represent their concerns in the future." Rizzi said.

The Norfolk County Central Labor Council represents 35 AFL-CIO affiliated unions throughout 28 towns in Norfolk County and has approximately 40,000 members, with thousands of members residing in the City of Quincy.